Quick DisConnect, Bolt Action EDC Mini Pen - QDC 2.2
Created by MC Fabrications
On your keys, in your pocket, or in your purse, the QDC 2.2 is an EDC Bolt Action Pen that goes where you go and ready when you need it
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Big Update - Unforseen Issues and Many Pictures
about 7 years ago
– Sat, Jan 06, 2018 at 06:33:40 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
Surveys Sent Out
over 8 years ago
– Fri, Oct 07, 2016 at 12:17:45 PM
Backerkit Surveys
After the approval process through Backerkit, I just sent out the surveys to everyone so keep an eye on your email. The survey results will be locked down in about a week to make sure I get all the correct amounts of materials on order.
All backerclub members get a free Lamy M22 refill. The good people at Backerkit were able to help me out by applying a $5 credit to the profiles emails of all backers that are listed through backerclub.
Add Ons
Lamy M22 refills in black and blue
Pocket Clips for the QDC 2.2
Field Notes (3 pack)
Additional QDC 2.2s
I will be finalizing and placing all the POs for materials this evening, so we're still on track!
We Did It!!
over 8 years ago
– Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 02:55:39 PM
280% Funded!
What an exciting 28 days that was!
Now I'm just waiting for the funds to be deposited in 2 weeks and I can get everything on order and get going. There were about 20 backers with payment issues, if you are having an issue let me know and lets see if there is anything I can do to help out.
I've started the process of getting the surveys and all of that together and hopefully will be done this weekend and get them out so I can get a count on everything that needs to be ordered.
I meant to get an update out yesterday, but i got too wrapped up in the backerkit items and surveys that I completely forgot.
At every major milestone, I will be posting the timeline so we can track how things are going. Keep an eye on my instagram for smaller updates along with photos and video of progress.
Thanks to all backers!
7 Days Left
over 8 years ago
– Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 08:00:19 AM
Back to Business
We spent last week in the mountains of Colorado for a little R&R and came back to see what a great week that was for this project.
To those unfamiliar with this service, it is a 3rd party that keeps track of all the backers, their reward selection, their pledge amount, and their address information. This allows the backers to add additional rewards or add-on as they want and allows them to update their payment information and addresses as needed.
Projects we Love
I just came across this project yesterday. I do a lot of technical sketching for my job and thought i'd give it a try. They're off to a hot start!
SketchyNotebook Series: The Creative's All-In-One Notebook
Now on Instagram
over 8 years ago
– Thu, Sep 01, 2016 at 12:44:12 PM
Time to get with it
I'm not huge into social media (which is probably bad for a KS Creator) but I decided to start an instagram account to post photos and updates on some of the things I do and make around my shop. You can click on my logo below and follow my instagram account if you'd like.
I've just started this past week and I haven't made many posts, but I think this would help relay project progress better than updates on KS. Since most of my work is done between 8 and 11pm, It's much easier to snap a picture on my phone and post it than to:
Remember to download the pictures from my Drive account in the morning or (if i'm at work) on my lunch break
Find the photos and edit them
Write up a update worthy post with more than one photo
Proofreed a million times.
If I'm lucky, I will notice that one typo before the edit timeframe is over and make the correction.
I will still make major milestone updates here on Kickstarter, but I think Instagram would be a good filler in between those updates. Plus it allows me to share my hobby with the rest of the world without having to wait for people to find my page on facebook.
Thanks everyone, I'm super psyched about this project!
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BodyBoss 2.0: The World's 1st Home Gym You Can Take Anywhere